Alright, so my high school reunion is coming up, as many of you know- you are visiting from the link on the blogsite. Hello. Nice to have you visit. Now, I have some questions for you. They will be all about me, because, this is after all, my blog.
***First off, those of you visiting- Do you remember me from high school? Did you have to pull out your yearbooks to figure out who the heck I was?
***Second- Did you even LIKE me in high school? Are you simply visiting to see how crappy my life turned out? Are you happy with what you see?
***Third- If you did know me/remember me from high school- did I turn out ANYTHING like what you thought I would- or did you even care that much?
***Forth- Again, assuming you knew/remembered me what was I like in high school from YOUR perspective?
This has always interested me. For instance, when you meet someone or know someone, you know their quirks. You know what you like or don't like about them. You can point out their faults easily. However, we don't always see those same quirks in ourselves. We don't see WE are the weird ones. So, I am giving all you visitors that liberty. Please feel free to be as honest as necessary. Please know that I am prepared for anything that you may say. If it isn't that nice please know I am okay with that. I either deserve it (it's a long time coming) or I've changed and it doesn't apply anymore anyway.
Thank you for your time- or not, it's ultimately up to you. I'll track down your links and get the answers from you later anyway. (Totally just kidding- like I have that kind of time!) But it's interesting isn't it? We probably all have similar questions- I'll answer yours if you answer mine.
Thanks again and see you soon- Jen (and Nikki I copied it from you)
Thanks again and see you soon- Jen (and Nikki I copied it from you)
Do I get to answer too?? Just kidding! Have a nice day.
Okay- Yes. I remember you, where you lived, what your room looked like and various other details about your life from high school. I'm not sure exactly where my yearbooks are at the moment, so good thing.
Loved you in high school and always will. I'm visiting because I love you and your family and I love to see pictures of your darling children! I thought we'd be traveling more by now. ;)
I did care and geez, house in k-town, scholarship, 4 children and Doug...You seem on track to me!
You were always a riot. I loved your passion for everything. I did hate that the boys ALWAYS noticed you and you always got the guy! I mean throw me a bone! ;) But we always had fun, even when things were sad or hard. You have always known what you wanted and you have worked hard to get it- all of it. However- you hold grudges like a pro. Lesson learned. ;)
Are you going to the dinner?
Unfortunately I am family so this doesn't really apply to me. I love ya like a sista, always have, always will. You are a great listener and I admire you for sicking out some pretty rough situations. High School is such a small portion of life, it's funny how much emphasis people put on it. All I have to say is I like my life the way it is now and had I known that I would be blessed with all of my "treasures" namely Brock and Kate I probably would have enjoyed the ride a little more. I'm thinking of that "BUZ LURMANN" song-so magazines do make people feel ugly!
LOL! I really think this idea is so dang cute and funny!! I remember you since elementary! We had a couple of sleepovers! lol. That is so funny! I always loved you and thought you were so dang cute! Still do! Think your family is beautiful! I am sooooooo happy for you!!! xoxoxxooo
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